Greeting online social world!!
Hello I am an admin of this blog.
Let me count this as the grand opening of your door to Thailand.
While I'm posting this, we are operating your next "must-come" destination in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Chang Thai Cookery & Homestay.
If you are the one who....
- are looking for elephant riding experience?
- want to learn some Thai cultures and languages with the locals?
- have fond or dream of cooking Thai food?
We have packed these activities all together and much much MORE!! you can experience.
as we give you this motto "Your Absolute Thai Experience".
The place is located in a very peaceful area of Mae Taeng, one of the best attractions area in Chiang Mai. You will experience truly local Thai life-style, staying with the nature that will give you full feeling of what people here are living.
I will keep updating the progress of this project for online folks.
Need more information please contact me at ....
Phone: +66879244922
Line: changthaicookery
Sincerely Yours